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Italy Moves Forward 2024

The future lies in projects and their realization. Only through innovative ideas is it possible to change a city
landscape and set off a true upturn in the real estate market.

In this new part of the Forum we’ll be presenting some projects or companies that should be of special interest for the nation, for institutional investors, and for the market in general. They’re real – not just ideas on paper – and offer hope for a return to an Italy that improves and grows.

Urban Up | Unipol

Urban Up is a real estate project developed by the Unipol Group that is dedicated to enhancing the value of some of the most important properties of the Group’s Italian architectural portfolio througn modernisation and renovation that combines innovation with respect for tradition.

The Urban Up project was launched in the city of Milan with the renovation of some of its most iconic buildings, and has been continued in several Italian cities with work done to both promote its trophy assets and regenerate suburban areas, deploying the value of sustainability in the area of real estate by adopting environmentally friendly solutions.


Investire Sgr

Investire SGR is an leading independent fund, asset and investment management company, reference point for the Italian real estate sector.

With approx. 7 billion euro AuM through more than 60 real estate funds and SPV across all different asset class managing more than 2.000 single asset, Investire SGR is the partner of choice for more than 200 institutional national and international investors.

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Impresa Percassi – Costim Group

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Edison Next

Edison Next leads clients and communities throughout their decarbonization and ecological transition journey, enabled by a platform comprehensive of innovative and efficient solutions targeting energy consumption optimization and decarbonization, in which technology and digital tools play a key role, aiming at maximizing competitiveness and performance.

Edison Next is keen also on circular economy and environmental services, focused on the development of biomethane and hydrogen.

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Since its inception in 1986, on the initiative of Assicurazioni Generali and several banks and industrial groups, Protos has brought together, in a single, flexible and multi-sector structure, multi-sourcing skills and expertise capable of providing clients with valid support tools in the most delicate decision-making phases related to development and investment programmes and operations, financing and refinancing, insurance and reinsurance, as well as the acquisition and divestment of companies, tangible and intangible company assets and all other operations connected to the production, execution, distribution, supply and installation of goods, works and services.

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For more than 25 years, Svicom has offered a comprehensive and integrated consulting service in the real estate management, establishing itself as one of the leading companies in Italian real estate.

The company boasts a portfolio of 150 assets – for a GLA of more than 1.9 million sqm. – including shopping centers and parks, stand-alone and high street, food halls, logistics and office properties. The subsidiaries: Svicom Agency and Svicom Condominium Management are part of the Svicom Group.

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